News & Resources
In the Montgomery County Medical Society
MCMS 2022 Annual Meeting – June 4, 2022

Mark Your Calendar and Plan to Attend!
June 4, 2022 – 6:30 PM – Dayton Country Club
Are you ready to join your physician colleagues and their spouses and guests for a fun and relaxing evening in a beautiful setting? Mark your calendar for 6:30 PM on Saturday, June 4 at the Dayton Country Club and plan to join MCMS in a special “Meet and Greet” cocktail reception to celebrate Ricardo Buenaventura, MD, as the 173rd MCMS President for 2022, and acknowledge the service of David O Griffith MD, as the 2021 outgoing President.
Additionally, those who have achieved the milestone of Fifty Years since medical school graduation will also be celebrated at this time. Since we could not honor last year’s awardees, we will include them along with this year’s recipient list. Please see who is being honored here:
Class of 1970 OSMA Fifty Year Awardees (*deceased): Max Clark D.O.; James Davis, Jr., MD; Abdolali Elmi, M.D.; Jack Gruber, M.D.*; Ramesh Gupta, M.D.*; Sharda Gupta, MD; James Laws, D.O.; Steven Miller M.D.; Ahmad Moezzi, M.D.; Warren Muth, M.D.; Thomas Percy, M.D.*; Joseph Premanandan, M.D.; Chester K. Robinson, M.D.; John W. Wolf, M.D.
Class of 1971 OSMA Fifty Year Awardees: A, Wayne Abbott, M.D.; G.S.A. Adebisi Adegbile, M.D.; Bruce Bernie, M.D.; Fred Brown, M.D.; Bruce Brumfiel, M.D.; Ravi DeVara, M.D.; James Hodge, D.O.; James Horlacher, M.D.; Stephen T. House, M.D.; C. David Joffe, M.D.; Steven Levitt, M.D.; Gary Nicholson, M.D.; Barbara Pflum, M.D.; Raymond Russell, M.D.; Jerome Spiegel, M.D.; Basel Yanes, M.D.
Please mark your calendar and save this date – it will be a welcome opportunity to come out and meet, greet and celebrate with your physician colleagues, spouses and guests.
Be watching for more details!