News & Resources
In the Montgomery County Medical Society
MCMS Blood Drive Exceeds Goal

Thank you to all who supported the the Montgomery County Medical Society Blood Drive on Friday, August 18. Our Community Blood Center representative reports that the results were fantastic and far exceeded her expectations for our first time effort. A total of 20 donors registered to donate, 6 were first time donors. The goal was 10 units, we collected 18, achieving 180% of the goal. We were very lucky to get several walk-ins, which helped us to exceed our goal! Special thanks to Calsey Graham, our MCMS Medical Student representative for all her efforts in helping to reach out to the WSUBSOM Medical Students! If you were not able to donate at this event, we hope you will consider it in the future. Community Blood Center collects blood and distributes it for use in the area hospitals in our local region (Red Cross sends their blood donations elsewhere). There is a critical need for Type O and Type B- negative blood. These drives are so important for supporting the healthcare needs in our community!