News & Resources
In the Montgomery County Medical Society
MCMS Website Updates Bring New Options for Members and Membership

Membership Directory and Individual Profiles. We hope you have noticed the new look to the MCMS Website. The membership Directory is now listed in real-time on the site, and physicians can be searched by name, practice group name, or specialty. While office practice information is visible to all viewers, the personal home information is only accessible to MCMS members who are logged in to the site. Initial log-in information (the user ID and password) was mailed to all Active MCMS members in April and if you need assistance with this, please contact the MCMS office at 937-223-0990. Our Inactive Retired membership rolls will be added to the site soon. It is imperative that members sign into their individual portal and review the information that is contained in our records. Members have the ability to update any information in their profile and designate whether it should be made visible to the general public or members only. It is vital that we keep up-to-date records of your locations, both office and home. Most importantly, you will be required to provide an active email address. MCMS will be using electronic methods for most communications going forward. It has become too timely and costly to continue expending resources on paper/mail messaging. And timely communicating is vital to our mission.
Online Registration and Dues Payments. One of the new and exciting features of the site is that annual dues will now be payable online through a secure off-site payment system. You will hear more about this as MCMS approaches its billing cycle beginning July 1 for the 2023 membership year. Additionally, new MCMS memberships can be registered directly online, and upon verification, membership will be approved by the Board.
Current News Updates. MCMS will post current news stories and events in a timely fashion. Additionally, updates on membership changes will also be posted to alert you to physicians who are transitioning into Retirement. And notices will also advise of recent member deaths as they are reported. If you have a news event that you would like to announce, perhaps a personal accomplishment or advancement in your career, please contact the MCMS office to submit your information.
Events. MCMS will publish a listing of upcoming events which can be open to the general membership, or some that are member-specific (Board Meetings, Committee Meetings, etc.) or even some that are for the community. For MCMS events, registration will be made online through the event site. Currently, the MCMS Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at the Dayton Country Club is online and open for registration. If you choose to bring your spouse or guest, please go through the process twice to secure both reservations.
VISIT MCMSOH.ORG REGULARLY TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH WHAT IS GOING ON. SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES AND ENCOURAGE ANYONE WHO IS NOT A MEMBER TO BECOME A MEMBER! MCMS is the one physician-only organization that represents all physicians in our community, regardless of specialty or hospital affiliation. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to those physicians listed on the Leadership page of the site. They are your elected representatives and want to hear from you!